How to Reset Epson Stylus T13
1. The first step of course Epson T13 printer driver must be installed.
2. Download software resetter Epson T13 first. Epson Resetter Software named T13, you can download at the link below
3. Date computers do not need to be changed as previously resetter.
4. CAUTION! Turn off your Antivirus, because resetter T13 is detected as virus by antivirus software.
5. Run the program resetter Epson T13 with a double click on the "AdjProg.exe".
6. Then follow the following picture:
Check: used to counter check the maximum 7800 points, you can see it in the main pad counter. If more or close to 7800 points means the printer needs to be reset"
Initialization: used to reset or clear the counter back to the printer"
6. When finished turn the printer off then on again. The printer will flame with a full green light. Epson Stylus T13 printer means that blink had been ready for use again.
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1. The first step of course Epson T13 printer driver must be installed.
2. Download software resetter Epson T13 first. Epson Resetter Software named T13, you can download at the link below
3. Date computers do not need to be changed as previously resetter.
4. CAUTION! Turn off your Antivirus, because resetter T13 is detected as virus by antivirus software.
5. Run the program resetter Epson T13 with a double click on the "AdjProg.exe".
6. Then follow the following picture:
Check: used to counter check the maximum 7800 points, you can see it in the main pad counter. If more or close to 7800 points means the printer needs to be reset"
Initialization: used to reset or clear the counter back to the printer"
6. When finished turn the printer off then on again. The printer will flame with a full green light. Epson Stylus T13 printer means that blink had been ready for use again.
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